A beautiful city
Although my boss' boss was not happy about it, I still had to come to Sydney for business.
That means, I will not be home on mid-Autumn festival. Fortunately, Sydney is a beautiful city that I don't mind coming. It has the European atmosphere (well, it's almost as far to Germany) but with unique culture - mix of Asian and old European. Please correct me if you have other comments on this.
And it's cleaner, with better weather. One Aussie just asked me if I could see the harbour in Hong Kong anymore. So sad. This is the international image of HK now.
Played a lot of football recently, with different groups. Reuters have just formed a team to join the football part of corporate tournament organized by LCSD. Started practicing now. Then referred by an English colleague, I've joined a 11-a-side team with mostly foreigners. Then together with the existing ones, I have played 6 games last week! Enjoyable, but also feel the fatigue. Wish me (or us) luck in those tournaments.
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone. Enjoy good time with your family and/or friends.