I am a normal boy working in financial IT. Still looking for my targets and goals. In a stable and lovely relationship with my bobo. Like playing sports, football, snooker, badminton in particular. I like music a lot as well. Dream Theatre is my favourite band. This blog is intended to share my thoughts and wills with my friends and family. Please feel free to leave comments.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Quote from MingPao

" 窮 貧 國 家 的 農 民 每 人 每 年 靠 少 於 400 美 元 收 入 過 活 , 但 美 國 農 民 每 人 每 年 卻 獲 得 平 均 2.1 萬 美 元 補 貼 "

America is the largest obstacle of Free Trading:
Farmers in poor countries have US$400 annual income, while each American farmer has an average of US$21,000 of subsidies from the US Government.

Cotton exported from America is subsidised by the government, which means cottons from west African countries (not as good quality) are even more expensive.

I love this world...


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