Trip to the States - Day 2
Just got back to Jay's place from a 3-day NYC trip. Sorry to say but will need some time to organize photos and publish them. And also because of jet-lag and loads of walking, am bloody tired now so only writing out part of the trip.
08:30 South Station, Boston
Got on a bus to New York. This is a Chinese bus company, and is probably the cheapest way to get to NYC from Boston. According to various sources, the train Amtrak to NYC costs about $60, and takes 3 hours. This bus costs $15 one-way and takes about 4 hours. Think this is definitely a sensible choice.
12:30 Canal Street (China Town), New York City
Arrived at Manhattan after a 4-hour hectic journey, with one break at McDonald's on the way. I was shocked by the scale of the China Town. There are a lot of signs only in Chinese, and even the sales are only shouting in Chinese. For a second or so, I thought I was in a market in Yuen Long!
Spent a full-hour looking for the way to Penn Station (at 31 St and 7th Ave) to meet WJ. He is a very close colleague of mine, who happened to be working as a consultant in New York this month. He was our guide for the first 2 days of our NYC trip.
Really tired now, to be continued.
Continued (written on 3 June)
Let's start with a little picture.

From top left, clockwise:
Me with the coach, little Italy in NYC, first taste of the New York subway,
seeing WJ in NYC!
After meeting up with WJ, he started touring us around in central Manhattan. We started with Reuters office, Times Square, lunch at a small Spanish canteen, Rockefeller Plaza, JP Morgan Chase buildings, the Grand Central train terminal, and United Nations head quarter. Unfornately by the time we arrived, the UN head quarter has already closed.

From top left, clockwise:
WJ and me under Reuters office, Times Square, No. 2 & 3 United Nations Plaza, Grand Central Terminal, a market on one of the avenues.
We then took the subway to the east side of Central Park and hope to visit either Guggenheim or the Metropolitan Museum. Unfortunately (again), Guggenheim had scarfolding all over it, and the Met was closing early because of Memorial Day Sunday. Damn!
So, to make ourselves happy, we went into Central Park to enjoy the lovely sun!

Jay taking a nap and the rest with the cones.

I think this one is a nice picture. It was shot when we came out from a subway. I was hoping to take the yelloe sunset, but this lady just appeared at the exit when I pressed the button.
We then headed to Chelsea and West Village area. It was beautiful, with the little houses, amazing sunset. We finished our evening with a dinner at a restaurant playing live Jazz.

European style (or is it?) house at Chelsea, the river side, the beautiful sunset, the restaurant where we ate.
After saying goodnight to WJ, Jay and I took the subway to the Queens area, which is where our hostel is. It's a small 2/3 storeys house, with 20+ rooms, operated by Hong Kong people (I think). It's not the best, but it's damn cheap!